Computational models for anti-air and antisubmarine warfare simulation


  • Gustavo Pérez Valdés Corporación de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo de la Industria Naval, Marítima y Fluvial COTECMAR
  • Stefany Marrugo Llorente Corporación de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo de la Industria Naval, Marítima y Fluvial COTECMAR
  • José Gómez Torres Corporación de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo de la Industria Naval, Marítima y Fluvial COTECMAR



simulation, discrete events, modeling, antisubmarine warfare, anti-air warfare, experiment design


This paper describes the generation and simulation process of computational models oriented to the analysis of the operational situations (OPSIT) of anti-air warfare (AAW) and antisubmarine warfare (ASW), with the purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of different combinations of threats, weapons, and sensors of the Colombian Navy. A detailed description of the OPSITs modeling process is presented by using the selected discrete events simulation tool. The experiments design process and the statistical analysis of the results is also described, using a statistical analysis tool. All this to provide the Colombian Navy with a tool it can use to evaluate the systems that could be part of future units.


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How to Cite

Pérez Valdés, G., Marrugo Llorente, S., & Gómez Torres, J. (2013). Computational models for anti-air and antisubmarine warfare simulation. Ciencia Y tecnología De Buques, 6(12), 29–40.



Scientific and Technological Research Articles
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