Analysis of the current stage of the Brazilian Maritime Industry and study of clusters features in this industry - Naval construction, repair, offshore and nautical


  • Rui Carlos Botter
  • Delmo Alves de Moura



brazilian maritime industry, european maritime clusters, competitiveness


The present work aims to analyze the Brazilian maritime industry. The core of the work is making an analysis of which are the basic elements to insert this system in the national maritime industry and how it is structured nowadays. The focus of the work is to analyze the four larger segments of this industry in Brazil: shipbuilding, construction of off-shore platforms and ship repair. The research included fieldwork in each national shipyard and other actors in the supply chain of that industry, as well as unions and associations.


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How to Cite

Botter, R. C., & Moura, D. A. de. (2010). Analysis of the current stage of the Brazilian Maritime Industry and study of clusters features in this industry - Naval construction, repair, offshore and nautical. Ciencia Y tecnología De Buques, 3(6), 19–40.



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