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Lista de comprobación para la preparación de envíos

Como parte del proceso de envío, los autores/as están obligados a comprobar que su envío cumpla todos los elementos que se muestran a continuación. Se devolverán a los autores/as aquellos envíos que no cumplan estas directrices.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Directrices para autores/as

Thematic Interest
The Ship Science and Technology Journal accepts for publication original engineering contributions in English language on ship design, hydrodynamics, dynamics of ships, structures and materials, vibrations and noise, technology of ship construction, marine engineering, standards and regulations, ocean engineering and port infrastructure, as well as results of scientific and technological research. Every article shall be subject to consideration by the Editorial Council of The Ship Science and Technology Journal deciding on the pertinence of its publication.

The Ship Science and Technology Journal accepts to publish articles classified within the following typology (COLCIENCIAS 2006):

  •  Scientific and technological research articles. Documents presenting detailed original results of finished research projects. Generally, the structure used contains four important parts: introduction, methodology, results, and conclusions. 
  •  Reflection Articles. Documents presenting results of finished research as of an analytical, interpretative, or critical perspective of the author on a specific theme, resorting to original sources. 
  • Revision Articles. Documents resulting from finished research in the field of science or technology in which published or unpublished results are analyzed, systemized, and integrated to present advances and development trends. These are characterized by presenting an attentive bibliographic revision of at least 50 references. 

All articles must be sent to the editor of The Ship Science and Technology Journal accompanied by a letter from the authors requesting their publication. Every article must be written in Microsoft Word in single space and sent in magnetic form. Articles must not exceed 10,000 words (9 pages). File must contain all text and any tabulation and mathematical equations. All mathematical equations must be written in Microsoft Word Equation Editor. This file must contain graphs and figures; additionally, they must be sent in a modifiable format file (soft copy). Also, abbreviations and acronyms have to be defined the first time they appear in the text.

All articles must contain the following elements that must appear in the same order as follows:

It must be concise (no more than 25 words) with appropriate words so as to give readers an idea of the contents of the article. It must be sent in English and Spanish language.

Author and Affiliations
The author´s name must be written as follows: last name, initial of first name . Affiliations of author must be specified in the following way and order:
* Business or institution (including department or division to which he/she belongs).
* Street mailing address.
* City (Province/State/Department).
* Country.

A short essay of no more than one hundred fifty (150) words, specifying content of the work, scope, and results. It must be written in such a way so as to contain key ideas of the document. It must be sent in English and Spanish language.

Key Words
Identify words and/or phrases (at least three) that recover relevant ideas in an index. They must be sent in English and Spanish language.

The text must be explanatory, clear, simple, precise, and original in presenting ideas. Likewise, it must be organized in a logical sequence of parts or sections, with clear subtitles to guide readers. The first part of the document is the introduction. Its objective is to present the theme, objectives, and justification of why it was selected. It must contain sources consulted and methodology used, as well as a short explanation of the status of the research, if it were the case, and form in which the rest of article is structured.

Body Article
It is made up of the theoretical framework supporting the study, statement of the theme, status of its analysis, results obtained, and conclusions.

Equations, Tables, Charts ang Graphs
All of these elements must be numbered in order of appearance according to their type and must have their corresponding legends, along with the source of the data.

Equations must be numbered on the right hand side of the column containing it, in the same line and in parenthesis. The body of the text must refer to it as "(Equation x)". When the reference starts a sentence it must be made as follows: "Equation x". Equations must be written so that capital letters can be clearly differentiated from lower case letters. Avoid confusions between the letter ¿l¿ and the number one or between zero and the lower case letter "o". All sub-indexes, super-indexes, Greek letters, and other symbols must be clearly indicated.

All expressions and mathematical analyses must explain all symbols (and unit in which they are measured) that have not been previously defined in the nomenclature. If the work is extremely mathematical by nature, it would be advisable to develop equations and formulas in appendixes instead of including them in the body of the text.

Figure/Fig. (lineal drawings, tables, pictures, figures, etc.) must be numbered according to the order of appearance and should include the number of the graph in parenthesis and a brief description. As with equations, in the body of the text, reference as "(Fig. X)", and when reference to a graph is the beginning of a sentence it must be made as follows: "Fig. x".

Charts, graphs, and illustrations must be sent in modifiable vector file format (Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Period, and/or Microsoft Vision).

Pictures must be sent in TIF or JPG format files, separate from the main document in a resolution higher than 1000 dpi.

Foot Notes
We recommend their use as required to identify additional information. They must be numbered in order of appearance along the text.

Acknowledgments may be made to persons or institutions considered to have made important contributions and not mentioned in any other part of the article.

Bibliographic References
The bibliographic references must be included at the end of the article in alphabetical order and shall be identified along the document. To cite references, the Journal uses ISO 690 standards, which specify the mandatory elements to cite references (monographs, serials, chapters, articles, and patents), and ISO 690-2, related to the citation of electronic documents.

They must be made in two ways: at the end of the text, in which case the last name of author followed by a comma and year of publication in the following manner:
"Methods exist today by which carbon fibers and prepregs can be recycled, and the resulting recyclate retains up to 90% of the fibers´ mechanical properties" (Davidson, 2006).
The other way is: Davidson (2006) manifests that "Methods exist today by which carbon fibers and prepregs can be recycled, and the resulting recyclate retains up to 90% of the fibers´ mechanical properties".

List of References
Bibliographic references of original sources for cited material must be cited at the end of the article in alphabetical order and according to the following parameters:
In the event of more than one author, separate by commas and the last one by an "and". If there are more than three authors write the last name and initials of the first author and then the abbreviation "et al.,".

Last name of author followed by a comma, initial(s) of name followed by a period, the year of publication of book in parenthesis followed by a comma, title of publication in italics and without quotation marks followed by a comma, city where published followed by a comma, and name of editorial without abbreviations such as Ltd., Inc. or the word "editorial".

Basic Form:

LAST NAME, N.I. Title of book. Subordinate responsibility (optional). Edition. Publication (place, publisher). Year. Extent. Series. Notes. Standard Number.


GOLDBERG, D.E. Genetic Algorithms for Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning. Edition 1. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. 412 p. 1989. ISBN 0201157675.

If a corporate author

Write complete name of entity and follow the other standards.

Basic form:

INSTITUTION NAME. Title of publication. Subordinate responsibility (optional). Edition. Publication (place, publisher). Year. Extent. Series. Notes. Standard Number.


AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR METALS. Metals Handbook: Properties and Selection: Stainless Steels, Tool Materials and Special-Purpose Metals. 9th edition. Asm Intl. December 1980. ISBN: 0871700093. 

When book or any publication have as author an entity pertaining to the state, write name of coun¬try first.

Basic form:

COUNTRY, ENTITY PERTAINING TO THE STATE. Title of publication. Subordinate responsibility (optional). Edition. Publication (place, publisher). Year. Extent. Series. Notes. Standard Number.


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Profile of the Shipbuilding and Repair Industry. Wash¬ington D.C. 1997. P. 135.

Journal Article

Basic form:

Last name, N.I. Title of article, Name of publication. Edition. Year, issue designation, Pagination of the part.

Graduation Work

Basic form:

Primary responsibility. Title of the invention. Subordinate responsibility. Notes. Document identifier: Country or issuing office. Kind of patent document. Number. Date of publication of cited document.


CARL ZEISS JENA, VEB. Anordnung zur lichtelektrischen Erfassung der Mitte eines Lichtfeldes. Et-finder: W. FEIST, C. WAHNERT, E. FEISTAUER. Int. Cl.3 : GO2 B 27/14. Schweiz Patentschrift, 608 626. 1979-01-15.

Presentation at conferences or academic or scientific event

Basic form:

LAST NAME, N.I. Title of the presentation. In: Sponsor of the event. Name of the event. Country, City: Publisher, year. Pagination of the part.


VALENCIA, R., et al. Simulation of the thrust forces of a ROV En: COTECMAR. Primer Congreso Internacional de Diseño e Ingeniería Naval CIDIN 09. Colombia, Cartagena: COTECMAR, 2009.


Basic form:

LAST NAME, N.I. Title of work, [on-line]. Available at: http://www.direccion_completa. com, recovered: day of month of year.


COLOMBIA. ARMADA NACIONAL. COTECMAR gana premio nacional científico, [web on-line]. Available at: http://www.armada. mil.co/?idcategoria=545965, recovered: 5 January of 2010.


Articles must be sent by e-mail to the editor of The Ship Science and Technology Journal to otascon@ cotecmar.com or in CD to the journal¿s street mailing address (COTECMAR Mamonal Km 9 Cartagena Colombia), accompanied by the ¿Declaration of Originality of Written Work ¿included in this journal.

The author shall receive acknowledgement of receipt by e-mail. All articles will be submitted to Peer Review. Comments and evaluations made by the journal shall be kept confidential. Receipt of articles by The Ship Science and Technology Journal does not necessarily constitute acceptance for publishing. If an article is not accepted it shall be returned to the respective author. The Journal only publishes one article per author in the same number of the magazine.

Opinions and declarations stated by authors in articles are of their exclusive responsibility and not of the journal. Acceptance of articles grants The Ship Science and Technology Journal the right to print and reproduce these; nevertheless, any reasonable petition by an author to obtain permission to reproduce his/her contributions shall be considered.

Further information can be obtained by:

Sending an e-mail to sst.journal@cotecmar.com
Contacting Carlos Eduardo Gil de los Ríos (Editor) The Ship Science and Technology (Ciencia y Tecnología de Buques) office located at: COTECMAR Mamonal Km. 9, Cartagena Colombia.
Phone Number: 57 - 5 6535035

Declaración de privacidad

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.