Policy Retraction

Ship Science and Technology Magazine Retraction Policy

Ship Science and Technology is committed to publishing high quality, original research that contributes to knowledge in the field of ship science and technology. To maintain the integrity of the publication, it is important that errors identified in published articles are corrected in a timely and transparent manner. This retraction policy describes the procedures that will be followed to address serious errors that affect the overall integrity of the work.

Reasons for retraction

Retractions are used to address serious errors in a published article that affect the overall integrity of the work. Retractions may be necessary for the following reasons:

  • Clear evidence that the findings are unreliable: This may include errors in data, methods, or results, as well as plagiarism or falsification of data.
  • Previous publication without proper attribution: If findings have been previously published elsewhere without proper attribution to previous sources or disclosure to the publisher, permission to republish, or justification (i.e., instances of redundant publication), a retraction may be considered.
  • Unauthorized use of material or data: If material or data has been used without proper authorization, a retraction may be considered.
  • Copyright infringement or serious legal problems: If copyright infringement or other serious legal problems (e.g., defamation, privacy) have occurred, a retraction may be considered.
  • Unethical research: If unethical research has been reported, a retraction may be considered.
  • Compromised or manipulated peer review process: If the authors failed to disclose a significant competing interest or conflict of interest that would have unduly affected the interpretations of the work, or if the peer review process has been compromised or manipulated in any way, a retraction may be considered.

Retraction Process

Errors in published articles may be identified by authors, editors, reviewers, or readers. If an error is identified that may require a retraction, the following steps should be followed:

Notification: The editor-in-chief of the SST journal should be notified of the error.

Investigation: The editor-in-chief will investigate the error and determine if a retraction is required.

Communication: The editor-in-chief will communicate with the authors and any other relevant reviewers to discuss the error and the need for a retraction.

Publication: If it is decided to retract the article, a formal retraction will be published online and linked to the original article. The original article will be marked as retracted and removed from any index or database in which it may appear.


Authors: Authors are responsible for the accuracy and integrity of their work. They should cooperate with the editor-in-chief in the investigation and correction of any errors.

Editors: Editors are responsible for ensuring the quality and integrity of the journal. They should investigate any reported errors and take appropriate corrective action.

Reviewers: Reviewers should inform the editor-in-chief of any errors they identify in reviewed articles.