Accessibility applied to ships, case study Riverine Ambulatory Care Center (RACC)


  • Diana Lorena González Corporación de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo de la Industria Naval, Marítima y Fluvial COTECMAR
  • Priscilla Areiza Frieri Corporación de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo de la Industria Naval, Marítima y Fluvial COTECMAR



accessibility, hospital ship, universal design, support products, reduced mobility, Riverine Ambulatory Care Center (RACC)


Accessibility as a design concept is generally applied in land constructions; however, the medical character of the case study requires it to be considered in the design process as of its conceptual stage. The riverine ambulatory care center (RACC) is a mobile health unit to carry out medical missions in populations located on the riverbanks; given the RACC dimensions, these have limited medical services to primary care and health brigades. Physical barriers1 are the causes for an environment being inaccessible; to eliminate them, from the RACC, an analysis and redesign was performed of the conceptual proposal, based on standards for accessibility, medical spaces, and ships. Two basic moments were taken for intervention, access and interior circulation, yielding as a result the design of an integrated system of products that eliminate the physical barriers from the environment, permitting boarding and offering medical services under equal, comfortable, and safe conditions. Accessibility as modifier of the environment to improve the quality of life of users should not only be applied in medical ships, this study opens an opportunity for industry to optimize the physical environment of other types of ships by applying this concept.


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How to Cite

González, D. L., & Areiza Frieri, P. (2013). Accessibility applied to ships, case study Riverine Ambulatory Care Center (RACC). Ciencia Y tecnología De Buques, 6(12), 9–21.



Scientific and Technological Research Articles
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