Editorial Note

Cartagena de Indias, 21 January 2011.

In 2010, the Science and Technology Corporation for the Development of the Naval, Maritime and Riverine Industry, COTECMAR accomplished ten years of existence and commitment with the development of the nation’s naval, maritime, and riverine industry. Aware of the importance of working for the future, COTECMAR developed during the last year a prospective exercise to revise its Strategic Management. !is activity – carried out by an interdisciplinary team of professionals in COTECMAR and from the main players of its interest groups – received methodological accompaniment from Universidad Externado de Colombia. In parallel manner, seeking to implement a support tool to the planning processes of the Corporation’s science, technology, and innovation activities, a Technological Diagnostic update was conducted, which for the "rst time permitted determining the capacities and domain of technologies, both for its industrial activity, as well as science, technology, and innovation activities. !is process was carried out jointly with the “BioGestión” Research Group at Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

Likewise, continuing with the objective of positioning the Corporation among the scienti"c community through dissemination of new knowledge, activities for the di#usion of science, technology, and innovation were promoted. !ese included, among others, editorial improvements to the Ship Science & Technology Journal, planning of the second International Congress on Naval Design and Engineering, the organization and execution of the "rst meeting of the Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute (PASI) on Dynamics and Control of Manned and Unmanned Vessels, and compliance of the agenda of di#usion events of science, technology, and innovation through ten international presentations and two participations in scienti"c fairs.

In this edition of Ship Science & Technology, we present partial results of two research projects conducted by COTECMAR, in collaboration with its scienti"c and technological partners and leveraged with resources from INDUMIL, which have allowed the Corporation and the nation to acquire new skills; these projects are Recovery of Metallic Parts by !ermal Spraying (Recuperación de Piezas Metálicas por Proyección Térmica) and Integrated Command and Control System for Public Forces (Sistema Integrado de Comando y Control para las Fuerzas Públicas). As customary, the two articles stemming from these projects are accompanied by contributions from our collaborators throughout the nation and abroad working on issues as varied as dynamics of high-performance vessels, technologies for o#shore industry and ICTs. All these articles have been subjected to an exhaustive process that guarantees compliance of scienti"c and editorial standards of quality, stability, visibility, and national and international recognition, seeking access to the national bibliographic index, Publindex, from the COLCIENCIAS Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation. We hope these contents to be of interest to all our readers.

Once more, from the Ship Science & Technology journal we extend our congratulations to the whole team at the Corporation for its commitment, integrity, leadership, and continuous e#ort to innovate; values that have contributed along these ten years to set the bases for the development of our naval, maritime, and riverine industry.