Editor's Note

Cartagena de Indias, 21 July 2009

Cotecmar is currently re-formulating its Technological and Innovation Plan –PDTI, which aims to coordinate Cotecmar’ scientific and technological efforts and align them with its short, medium and long term objectives. Ship Science and Technology is, together with the International Ship Design and Naval Engineering Congress - ISDNEC, a fundamental piece in Cotecmar’ strategy to fulfill its mission which is the development of the naval, maritime and riverine industry in Colombia. Via the ISDNEC and the Journal, and together with the papers of contributors of Cotecmar from all over the world, the intermediate and final results of the research projects executed by Cotecmar with the aim of advancing the knowledge in Naval Engineering are shared with the community. This issue in particular, presents contributions from well known experts in the areas of ship design and optimization, ship dynamics, hydrodynamics, and safety; I am sure that you will recognize them by their names immediately.

Cotecmar has always been interested in maintaining a net of scientific collaborators capable of supporting its main activity; this Journal is just one of the many ways that Cotecmar uses to promote this net. With the aim of surpassing the barriers imposed by the language and recognizing that English has become the preferred language in technical and scientific publications, starting with this number Ship Science and Technology will be published in this language. We expect to reach more public and to generate greater exchange of scientific knowledge in the topics of interest of our publication.

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Dr. Luís Guarín to the Editorial Committee. Dr. Gaurín, due to his active involvement in research projects related to safety at sea, is a recognized worldwide expert in this area. The readers of Ship Science and Technology with no doubt will benefit from him joining our Journal.


Commander Oscar Darío Tascón Muñoz