Editorial Note

In this edition, the Ship Science and Technology Journal, opens a new issue with scientific articles presented at the VI International Ship Design and Naval Engineering Congress - CIDIN 2019, which shared space with the XXVI Pan American Congress of Naval Engineering, Marine Transport and Port Engineering - COPINAVAL 2019. In addition, this number also presents articles and research carried out by the academy on topics of interest for the publication.

From March 13th to 15th, 2019, CIDIN and COPINAVAL 2019 opened their doors as a space created to promote the development of the naval, maritime and river industry, within the framework of an academic, scientific and technological scenario, destined to share and exchange knowledge about advances and new trends in this industry.

The success of the congresses has been reflected in the quality of the forums, keynote talks, scientific and technical presentations, developed in the academic setting, counting as publications of this journal issue those related to: Autonomous vessels and cybersecurity, naval architecture: from theory to practice, professional training in naval sciences and the design process of an eco-friendly catamaran.

We also contemplate in this new issue, advanced research on topics like photogrammetric evaluation of geometric tolerance standards and the design and construction of a prototype for the launch and recovery of an ROV (remotely operated vehicle).

We thank all the researchers and collaborators of the business sector who were part of the CIDIN and COPINAVAL 2019, as well as the independent researchers, who contributed their projects and scientific works to the achievement of this publication.


Ship Science and Technology Journal Editor